Get vs. Find

Get vs. Find is a simple code naming convention for increasing code readability while decreasing code complexity, the amount of code written and potential defects. When fetching data, from something such as a list, map, set, or even permanent storage, the developer will know when the data being fetch should always be found (i.e.gets) or not (i.e. finds).

Get methods raise an exception if the data is not found, these methods will never return null.
Find methods will return null if the data is not found, these methods will not raise an exception.

When calling a get method, there is no need to handle a null condition, reducing the need for extra logic.

Data Sorting Example

Let's take the following example where a list of addresses need to be sorted by the owner's name.

// Address data class to be sorted
class Address
    PersonID personID;
    String street;
    String city;
    StateID stateID;

// Person data class to aide in sorting
class Person
    PersonID personID;
    String firstName;
    String lastName;

We can assume Person.personID is a unique key and will always exist. And Address.personID will always refer to a valid Person.personID.

To help with the sorting, we create a helper PersonMap class with our get and find methods, named getByID and findByID:

class PersonMap extends HashMap<PersonID, Person>
    // never returns null, raises an exception
    public Person getByID(PersonID personID)
        Person person = super.get(personID);
        if (person != null)
            return person;

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad PersonID(" + personID + ")");

    // may return null
    public Person findByID(PersonID personID)
        return super.get(personID);

This class helps with creating the sorting (Comparator) class we need:

class AddressSorter implements Comparator<Address>
    PersonMap personMap;

    public AddressSorter(PersonMap personMap)
        this.personMap = personMap;

    public int compare(Address o1, Address o2)
        Person person1 = personMap.getByID(o1.personID);
        Person person2 = personMap.getByID(o2.personID);

        int compare = person1.lastName.compareTo(person2.lastName);
        if (compare != 0)
            return compare;
        compare = person1.firstName.compareTo(person2.firstName);
        if (compare != 0)
            return compare;
        return person1.personID.compareTo(person2.personID);

The resulting code is cleaner and removes the need to check for null when calling getByID(), knowing that null will never be returned (i.e. in practice of course unless there is a defect elsewhere).

The Alternative

If we did not take this approach, our code would need to confirm person1 and person2 are not null. We would need code such as:

if ((person1 == null) || (person2 == null))
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad o1.personID or o2.personID");

We would need these null pointer checks in other similar code, whenever Person look-ups are performed. Having our PersonMap with its get and find methods removes a lot of similar, repetitive code.

Other Benefits

There are more benefits to get methods. Let's say there is a defect elsewhere and getByID() does not find it's personID parameter as expected. Our getByID() raises an intelligent exception, noting the bad personID value (as well as providing a consistent error message, regardless of the calling code). If the standard Java Map.get() were used, the code would just result in a null pointer.

Get or Find

Get methods should only be used when the criteria is known to always exist. Having a unique key is a good indicator that get methods can be used.

But be careful, the situation matters. There often are cases where provided values are expected to be unique keys but may not have been validated. Take for example code that validates user inputted data. Email addresses are unique keys, once they are validated. Consider an email address entered by a user. In this situation, a find method should be used to validate the email address. Using a get method on an invalid email address would raise an exception. Instead, a find method should be used and a null result handled.


The Get vs. Find approach will go a long way towards helping to build better, more stable code. And will result in less, better tested code.